Wild West Lothian (WWL)
You can get to the moon just staying on the M9
They've got a flying saucer buried in an old shale mine
Drank in a Sevco pub and escaped with my life
So for penance and patience I observe them from Fife
Livin' in sin, making a wish, getting out, talking pish,
Searching for the meaning of life and things, climb to the stars on a pink pit bing,
Walking the canals and fallin' in or playing Mussorgsky on a mandolin,
Everyone else, we get off on your chops
If you can get through the door we'll go out to the shops
I love her deeply and dirty as the mud in the Forth
Once my sentence is served I will tell her of course
I got my psychometric tests from a guy on Gumtree
So I can stay in the jungle but never be free
Scratching cards, livin' on tick, talking pish, getting sick,
Caught on camera an American drone strafes a designer in store in Livingstone,
Loathing the limits on my sin, they let me out so I could find the way in it,
They let me out so I could let you all in.
A better job
you can trample down
you can burn every page
release all your anger
let loose your rage
but love will do a better job
love will always do a better job
you might choose to twist
the knife in your rage
let the anger spit
rattle the bars in the cage
but love will do a better job
love will always do a better job
here am I there are you
see it all what do we do? x 2
love will always do a better job
Not enough difference
There's a problem in my consciousness
It leads me to these words
Some serious and meaningful
But most remain absurd
I reach into reality
To salve the mood I feel
But reality steps to the side
And so becomes unreal
flawed, studious and odd
flawed, narrow mind but shoulders broad
flawed, believing everything but god
Here I go, here I go, here we go.
A cat sleeping sideways on my optical prescription
I'm chopping vegetables fighting this addiction
Short sighted writing reading factual fiction
And the angry men on TV say
Everything has had it's day, revolution, devolution, everyone must pay
I wish I could believe but the arguments just melt away
There's not enough difference today.