FTMT's Favourite Five Top Tenets

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Snowman Army

"Been doing a little work on developing the snowman army account. As you can see some are 100% and others are just modeled representations. Not real but reasonably realistic. Good quality materials is the thing. It's a busy time of year for these troops what with social functions, extreme training and quelling uprisings out there in the frozen wastes. Welfare always has been a big issue, that and mental health but we all do what we can. Signing off for 2024. Smoke 'em if you've got 'em."

Senior Snowman Officer WO1.

Monday, December 09, 2024

The Serious Circus

I bought so much evil coffee
that it couldn't be translated
what I saw was a waste of time
and pretty much unregulated
it was with lyrics in mind
it's always with lyrics in mind 
the past is pretty tense
the past is surely tense
so we made a wave
the wave became a splash
the splash performed at a circus
so serious
it was the end of an era.

Sunday, December 08, 2024


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